
Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan Update Survey

The five municipalities in Lunenburg County finished the Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan in 2021 and now we are updating the plan. 

We need to hear from people with all kinds of disabilities around our region to make sure the actions we take will make our services, spaces, and programs more accessible.

You can participate by completing the survey orsharing your experiences and thoughts with us in another way.

The survey is open until December 23 at 4:00PM.

You can complete the survey here.

To give your feedback in another way, you can call or text the Regional Accessibility Coordinator at 902-277-0456 or by email at .

Call for Volunteers (1 Vacancy)

Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity to make a difference in your community?

The Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee is looking for a member for a three-year term. You can apply if you live in the Municipality of the District of Chester, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Town of Bridgewater, Town of Lunenburg, or Town of Mahone Bay.

The Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee gives advice about accessibility to the Municipal Councils in Lunenburg County. For example, they might give advice about programs, services, initiatives, and facilities. The committee plays a pivotal role in helping the municipalities to become barrier-free communities that comply with Nova Scotia’s Accessibility Act (2017).

At least one half of the members of the advisory committee must have a disability or represent an organization that represents people with disabilities.

We know that "disability" can mean many different things. when we use the word "disability" it includes a physical, mental, intellectual, learning, or sensory impairment—including an episodic disability—that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders an individual’s full and effective participation in society.

For more details about the committee, you can read the  pdf Terms of Reference (135 KB) .

To Apply:

To submit a paper application, please mail or deliver to:

Municipality of the District of Chester

ATT: Ellen Johnson

Subject: Line: Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee Volunteer

151 King St., Box 369, Chester, NS B0J 1J0 

The application deadline is Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.

For more information about the Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee, please contact Ellen Johnson, Regional Accessibility Coordinator at (902) 277-0456 or .



Day in the Life

What is it like to live with disability in Lunenburg County?

The Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee (LCAAC) invites you to share your experience living with disability in our communities through our ‘Day in the Life’ photo project.

The Day in the Life” Project is a way for community members to help raise awareness about what it’s like to have a disability in Lunenburg County.  We want to know what is working well and what are the things that create challenges and barriers.

How it works:

  1. Take a photo of something in your daily life that is meaningful to you as a person with a disability.
  2. Write a sentence or two about what the photo means to you.
  3. Fill out the form at and follow the instructions on the form to email your photo.
  4. Read and agree to the consent form to make sure you understand and agree to how your photo and text will be used.
  5. You can have help to take the photo and/or write the text.

What if I have questions?

If you have questions or want support to participate, please contact Ellen Johnson, the Regional Accessibility Coordinator.

Phone or text: 902-277-0456



What are some examples of things to photograph?

What you photograph depends on what is important to you in your daily life. You might want to take photos of:

  • A place or thing that makes it easier to do the things you want and need to do. This can be a celebration of how great it is when things are accessible or just designed well. That could be a physical thing like a level entry to your home instead of a step, a well-designed intersection, or a piece of equipment or technology. It could also be a service or a process that is designed well.
  • Barriers that make it harder to do the things you want and need to do. We know there are a lot of barriers out there that make it hard for people with disabilities to participate in the community. Some examples might be spaces that are not accessible for someone using a walker or wheelchair, a sign that has too much glare to make it readable, or a poorly placed power door button.
  • Something else! Be creative. If there is something that is meaningful to you, please include it.

To see an example of what you might submit, click on these links to download our  document Day in the Life Example Photos and Text Word Version (685 KB) or  pdf Day in the Life Example Photos and Text PDF Version (328 KB)

What should I include for the text?

The text is a way for you to share why you took the photo. For example, it might describe:

  • What makes the thing in the photo helpful or challenging for you? What that thing means to you or how it makes you feel.
  • Is there a feeling or idea you would like others to understand about your photo?

How will your photo and text be used?

When you fill out the consent form, you can tell us how you want your photo and text to be used. You can choose one or all the options.

  1. Have your photo considered to be shared on municipal social media to raise awareness about accessibility in Lunenburg County. This will start during Access Awareness Week from May26 -June 1, 2024 and continue until November, 2024.
  2. Have your photo help make change. The LCAAC will be working to advise our municipal governments on updating the Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan that was finished in 2021. Your photo and text could help the LCAAC make recommendations about what changes should happen to increase accessibility in municipal spaces, processes, and services in the future.
  3. Have your photo and text considered to be included in presentations or displays as the Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan is developed and submitted to the Province of Nova Scotia.

Click here to start your submission!

LCAAC Regular Monthly Meetings

The Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:30PM via zoom.

Meetings are open to the public. If you want to attend, please contact the Regional Accessibility Coordinator, Ellen Johnson, at  or by phone or text at 902-277-0456 to receive the link to join the meeting.

The next scheduled meetings are:

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 7:00PM

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 7:00PM

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 7:00PM

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 7:00PM